It's hay fever season down here in Arizona now.
But I am very happy I don't have to suffer from it anymore.
Today, I want to talk about some of the good nutrition for hay fever. This is not my secret formula and you may need to take at least 3 months to get the result. But this also helps to keep your body healthy.
* Take Vitamin C and E
When your body doen't have enough Vitamin E, it is easy to get allergic reactions.
Vitamin E has power to calm some allergic reactions and
get rid of cholestorol, improve blood circulation, fix your hormonal balance, keep skin young,
You can take it from herbs or foods such as beans, nuts ( almonds, hazelnuts, and sunflower seeds).
The richest source of vitamin E is wheat germ. Other foods that contain vitamin E include liver, eggs, sunflower seeds; corn-oil margarine; mayonnaise; cold-pressed vegetable oils, including olive, corn, safflower, soybean, spinach and kale; greens (beet, collard, mustard, turnip) sweet potatoes; avocado, asparagus and yams
Vitamin C has power to get rid of your stress.
If you feel stressed out, take foods such as guava , kiwi, strawberry, orange, lemon, potatos ( but not fried potatos, French fries ) .
* Avoid to eat fast foods, instant foods,
Since instant foods and fast foods became popular and people started to eat these junk foods such as frozen pizza ( and many other frozen foods) , hamburgers, fried potatos, people have been getting allergic reactions, hay fever, eczema, itchy skin.
Because fresh foods and fresh herbs contain the best natural vitamins , it's good to eat while still fresh.
But If you are really serious to relieve your hay fever immediately, I recommend to use my secret formula.
How to blast your allergies away forever !